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You Should Try a Collection Agency Before Writing Off Past-Due Accounts

NCS Attorney, Michelle Gerred discusses why you should use a contingent collection service before writing off bad debt.

How to Spot and Avoid a Common UCC Filing Scam

Filing UCCs is one of the most common trade credit practices! Unfortunately, there are scammers that aim to take advantage. Learn how to spot a scam.

No Lien Rights for Rental Equipment Companies in Pennsylvania

Review this recent Pennsylvania legal decision and how UCC filings are poised to be the payment leverage rental equipment companies need.

Changes to Florida’s Lien and Bond Claim Laws

Florida passed House Bill 331 (effective 10/01/2023) which revised mechanic’s lien and bond laws. Read today's post to learn more.

Help Your Customer Understand UCC Filings

Filing UCCs? Send your customer this letter to help them better understand the UCC filing and how it impacts them.

Comparing the U.S.’s Article 9 of the UCC and Canada’s PPSA

The U.S.’s UCC Article 9 and Canada’s PPSA are sets of law that govern commercial transactions between states and provinces.

Serve the Preliminary Notice Upon the Construction Lender

You serve preliminary notices to protect lien rights. Did you know some states require the lender also receive a copy of the notice?

Credit Insurance Companies Cut Coverage, Renews Focus on UCCs

While insurance companies deliver crippling blows to businesses’ financial security, credit departments bring UCC filings into renewed focus.

Selling on Consignment and UCC Filings

In consignment filings, the consignor of the goods remains the title holder until the consignee sells the goods – once the consignee sells the goods, the consignee obtains the title, which triggers the consignor to invoice the consignee for the goods.

Serve the Lender with the Notice

A lender is the party (or parties) funding the project. Often the lender is a financial institution, but sometimes, especially in the case of P3s, the lender may be a corporation or other entity.

Top 5 Rookie Mistakes with Your UCC Security Agreement

The accuracy of your Security Agreement can make or break your security interest. Don’t make these rookie Security Agreement mistakes.

Bankruptcy Proof of Claim: Don’t Forget!

With bankruptcies on the rise, it is increasingly likely you'll need to complete a bankruptcy proof of claim. Learn more in this post.